Thursday, January 31, 2013

Use Your Genius to Feed the Hungry!! +FPP Reveal

It's been almost a year now that I've been participating in Foodie Pen Pals @TheLeanGreenBean.  I got this awesome box of goodies from Anna @AnnaDishes:

The dried mango and Justin's candy bar were my favorite things in the box.  Eva basically claimed the mango, and Garrett got a hold of the dark chocolate and cranberry bar-- so that was gone in minutes... but I did get to enjoy a bit of those two things!  (And by a bit, I mean a very, very small amount!)

Check out the box I sent to Katrice @HighHeelsandGoodMeals!

It got me thinking how *lucky* we are in America to just mail packages of food across the country to one another.  I mean, just look around us, there is food EVERYWHERE.  Granted, a lot of it is super-processed, fast-food, garbage... but, it's food nonetheless.  

Could you imagine living somewhere different?  Where free rice could mean the difference between a meal or going to bed hungry?  

I stumbled across -- it's a vocabulary game with a special reward-- for every answer you get right-- FreeRice donates 10 grains of rice to the World Food Programme.

Taken from the site:

Freerice is a non-profit website that is owned by and supports the United Nations World Food Programme.Freerice has two goals:
  • Provide education to everyone for free.
  • Help end world hunger by providing rice to hungry people for free.

Online game to end hunger

I added the above button to my sidebar-- but I'm displaying it in this post for you as well.  Head on over and put your English vocab skills to use for an amazing cause!


  1. Looks like a great box! I'm not sure about the seaweed snacks though...!
    We are definitely VERY blessed!

    1. I'm not a seaweed person ;/ that is FOR SURE.

  2. I believe the free rice website also has math games and other knowledge based activities. I once got to like 10000 grains.

    1. yes! you are right! NEAT-O! 10000?! umm you are AMAZING!

  3. Yes! Some of my students have participated in this website. I think I may mention it the next time I do a FPP reveal. You got some great stuff!

    1. DO IT! That would be AWESOME!


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