Sunday, February 17, 2013

Blogspiration: Writer's WRITE

I decided to participate in today's Blogspiration : this is the *final* posting!
Blogspiration is a new weekly meme hosted by GrowingUpYA and Saz101. The meme was created to help spark inspiration among bloggers, readers and writers alike. An inspirational quote/picture/video  is posted weekly, on the day of the author's choosing, so that it may inspire creativity, conversation or just a little SOMETHING.

                                                               Source: via Azia on Pinterest

Most people have an idea for a story... Or they think something in their life could "totally be a best-seller." I can't count how many times I've heard, "I've got an idea for a book! You could write it for me!" when I explain that I am an aspiring author.  (And usually, they also say that I can do all of the writing-- how generous of them!- and they'd let us both take credit for the completed story.)  Um, no thanks.

The point is- anyone can have an idea. It's those who move past the idea and get to work that make headway.  A story will not write itself. A true writer is someone who slaves over each word, who tosses and turns at night because  they can't shut the characters down in their head-- running to their computer/typewriter/notebook and bleeding quickly onto the page in order to carry on with their life. WRITER'S WRITE.  End of story.

So, get to it!  Be someone who isn't just an idea-man-- but a WRITER.  Work on your story/stories-- perfect your craft... Write!

*Thank you to GrowingUpYA and Saz101 for hosting this weekly blog hop-- it will be missed!*


  1. I just finished reading The Indigo Spell a couple of days ago and this was something that I took from that as well. An idea doesn't exist unless you can share it, words mean nothing unless you can act on them. LOVE this post, Azia, thank you for sharing! <3

    1. "An idea doesn't exist unless you can share it, words mean nothing unless you can act on them" -- yes! yes!!!

  2. Azia, this is... this is so so SO... I needed to hear this.

    THIS: "A story will not write itself. A true writer is someone who slaves over each word, who tosses and turns at night because they can't shut the characters down in their head-- running to their computer/typewriter/notebook and bleeding quickly onto the page in order to carry on with their life. WRITERS WRITE."


  3. I always tell people to write their own ideas, because they'd do it so much better than I could. Inevitably, they give me a funny look and tell me they don't know how to write a book, but the truth is usually that they don't want to put the work in to writing a book. :)

    1. Exactly! It is so much work... and it makes you feel so vulnerable! A lot of people don't want explore that-- and rightfully so.

  4. I agree, usually when a non-writer makes a lame-ass remark like that, I say sure, I work for 100% shares of what I write. Usually that shuts them up quick.


  5. Soooooo true. I run into those "idea" people a lot too. And I'm sure their ideas are brilliant, but I agree whole-heartedly with the slaving and the sleepless nights. Gosh, isn't that the truth!

    1. exactly! a great number of people probably have an incredible idea-- but it's those that actually put it on paper that are the story-tellers.

  6. My brother is totally an idea guy, and the fab thing about that is that he passes them on to me because he knows he'll never write (even though he wants to someday). Not saying I can't come up with my own ideas--ahem--but it's nice to have a little help once in a while! ;) Yay writers!!

    Stumbled across your blog via the fabulous Morgan Shamy's. Nice to *meet* you!

    1. That works out nicely, for the both of you! :) Nice to meet you! Thank you for stopping by!

  7. 100% true. No book is going to write itself no matter how great someone's idea is :) Being a writer IS hard work.

    1. Very hard work. Did I mention scary? It's scary as hell.

  8. Azia! This blog post is absolute perfection! I definitely needed to hear this...especially this week. While I have always been really good about moving forward with ideas, there's one in particular that I am kind of in a rut about :/ I need to get on that so THANK YOU for reminding me!!!



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